Note: Videos of past services are available for the most recent months. The videos of older services will show as “private.” Contact the church office to request viewing access.

December 6, 2020 — Advent 2

“Comfort and peace in hard times”
(Isaiah 40:1-11)
~Caleb Yoder

November 29, 2020 — Advent 1

“Watching for hope”
(Mark 13:24-37)

November 22, 2020 (Zoom)

“We’ve come this far by faith?”
(Hebrews 11)
~Michelle Armster

November 15, 2020 (Zoom)

“Repentance that leads to life”
(Jonah 3:1-4:3)
~Eric Frey Martin

November 8, 2020

“Heaven and Earth Joined”
(Revelation 21-21)

~Caleb Yoder

November 1, 2020

“The Sword from the Mouth”
(Revelation 19:11-21)
~Caleb Yoder