(Click above for drone footage by Anthony Gaeddert)

Sunday, July 28, 2024

Join us for Sunday School at 9:30 (for all ages) and for worship at 10:30 am, either in person or on Zoom (contact church office for Zoom link).  Pastor Robert will focus on Genesis 27, the story of Jacob stealing his father’s blessing from Esau through a scheme devised by their mother. How can relationships be healed when the very center has been broken?

Catching up

Pastor Lois and I took time yesterday to record a video talking about the section of the book of Job that would have been the theme for our service that was cancelled March 15. Pastor Lois had planned to preach that day. Job and his friends spend 36 chapters arguing over why Job had so […]

Response to COVID-19

Dear Alexanderwohl church family, This can certainly feel like an overwhelming and confusing time, as we hear constantly evolving news about the new coronavirus (COVID-19), as well as many cancellations. I wanted to email again to give you an idea of what to expect in coming weeks. Because of the recommendations of the Centers for […]

Sermons January – March 2020

Sermons January -March 1, 2020

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