Note: Videos of past services are available for the most recent months. The videos of older services will show as “private.” Contact the church office to request viewing access.
July 5, 2020 Outdoor service
“A Declaration of Dependence” (Romans 12:2, Philippians 4:1-6)
~Tim Schrag
Recording of our third drive-in/outdoor service.
June 28, 2020
“Lessons and Opportunities from a Pandemic” (James 4:13-17)
~Caleb Yoder, Megan Duerksen, Delbert Peters & Beth Yoder
June 14, 2020 Outdoor service
“God is a camper”
(Ephesians 2:19-22, Exodus 25:1-9)
~Michael Unruh
2nd drive-in/outdoor service
June 7, 2020
“The Spirit rests on us” (Numbers 11:24-30)
~Caleb Yoder
Recorded service for June 7, 2020
May 31, 2020 Pentecost
“The Spirit Regroups us” (Acts 2:1-21)
~Caleb Yoder
Drive-in Service for Pentecost