December 10, 2023
“A Service of Lessons and Carols”
Isaiah 40
~Chancel Choir directed by Renae Schmidt Peters; accompanied by Marcia Brubaker
Alexanderwohl Worship Services and Sermons
“A Service of Lessons and Carols”
Isaiah 40
~Chancel Choir directed by Renae Schmidt Peters; accompanied by Marcia Brubaker
“The Righteous Branch and The Covenant”
Jeremiah 33:10-11; 14-18
~Pastor Lois Harder
“A Song About a Field”
Isaiah 5:1-7; 11:1-5
~Pastor Brett Klingenberg
“A Living Message”
Hosea 11:1-9
~Pastor Brett Klingenberg
“Limping Between God and Something Else”
I Kings 18:17-21
~Pastor Brett Klingenberg
“Experiences with MDS – Mission Sunday”
Matthew 5:13-16; 25:31-40
~Delbert Peters and Tim Goertzen
“King | Murderer | Fool for God”
2 Samuel 5:1-5
~Pastor Tim Schrag
“Many Meanings from One Small Story”
Ruth 1:1-17; 4:13-17
~Pastor Tim Schrag
“Devotion, Ethics and One More”
Deuteronomy 5:1-21
~Pastor Tim Schrag
“Some Things Never Change”
Exodus 1:8-14
~Pastor Tim Schrag