June 11, 2023
“Connected to the Source”
John 15:1-17
~Pastor Caleb Yoder
This author has not written his bio yet.
But we are proud to say that alexanderwohl-admin contributed 189 entries already.
“Connected to the Source”
John 15:1-17
~Pastor Caleb Yoder
“Born of the Spirit”
John 3:1-21
~Pastor Caleb Yoder
“Remember What You’ve Learned”
Colossians 2:16-19
~Pastor Lois Harder
2 Timothy 1:1-14
~Pastor Caleb Yoder
“The Tree of Life: Food for Life”
Genesis 1:27-2:9, 2:15-17
~Erica Stoltzfus
“Steadfast in Breaking Bread”
Acts 2:42-47
~Pastor Caleb Yoder
“Hosting Jesus”
Luke 24:13-35
~Pastor Caleb Yoder
“This Time of Fear and Peace”
John 20:19-31
~Pastor Lois Harder
“Ground of New Life”
Matthew 28:1-10
~Pastor Caleb Yoder
“A Strange King”
Psalm 31:9-16; Matthew 21:1-11
~Pastor Caleb Yoder