July 31, 2022
“Don’t Forget to Breathe”
Luke 21:25-36
~Pastor Lois Harder
This author has not written his bio yet.
But we are proud to say that alexanderwohl-admin contributed 189 entries already.
“Don’t Forget to Breathe”
Luke 21:25-36
~Pastor Lois Harder
“Put Your Hope in God”
Psalm 42
~Pastor Caleb Yoder
“Provision for the Journey”
I Kings 19:1-18
~Pastor Caleb Yoder
“Becoming Who We Already Are”
Ephesians 4:1-7, 11-16
~Pastor Lois Harder
“Courage, Letting Go, and Trust”
Judges 6-7
~Pastor Caleb Yoder
“Bringing Our Differing Gifts
Romans 12:1-13
~Pastor Caleb Yoder
“The Way of Peace in Our Polarized World”
Hebrews 12:14; Romans 12:1-2
~Samuel Sarpiya
“Celebrating God Monumental Greatness”
Vacation Bible School Program
~VBS kids, teachers, and directors
“Belonging Rather Than Fear”
(Romans 8:14-17)
~Pastor Caleb Yoder
“Disciple People from Everywhere”
(Matthew 28:16-20)
~Pastor Caleb Yoder